Tales of Ramion by Frank Hinks - Blog Tour. Ramion is a magical place where anything can happen and frequently does. In this collection of enchanting fantasy stories, three young boys travel the realm of Ramion on incredible adventures with their cat Snuggle , escaping from their insidious foes, the witch Griselda who longs to eat them and the Princess of the Night , a keen collector of real human sculptures. Four uniquely wacky stories, Tales of Ramion are great reads for children and are particularly well loved by young boys thanks to the author’s cheeky storytelling and mischievous humour . Frank Hinks is a successful Chancery QC. From childhood, he dreamt of being both barrister and writer, but as an artist he’s not self-taught but wife-taught, developing his unique style under the uncompromising gaze of his wife, Susan Haire, a professional artist. The series was inspired by his eldest son, Jul...